Multimedia production

For all of University of Göttingen the Göttingen State and University Library offers various services in the field of multimedia and e-learning. A small team with a professional background in video and audio-production renders support to students and Göttingen University institutions – in the realisation of multimedia productions or with seminars in which those are used.


Production services are exclusively for students and institutions of the University of Göttingen.  They are explained in detail at the (access protected) sites of the study management system Stud.IP.

You may sign in if you are interested at the ‘Audio and Videoservices’ and thus have access to a detailed documentation of the services on offer (with contact details and service hours) as well as a communication platform.

Direct link (for registered Stud.IP users only):
Information of the audio and videoservices in Stud.IP.


According to content and target audience media are supplied variously, for example: