OpenUP - Project details (OpenUP)

OpenUP project addresses key aspects and challenges of the currently transforming science landscape and aspires to come up with a cohesive framework for the review-disseminate-assess phases of the research life cycle that is fit to support and promote Open Science. Its main objectives are to

  • a) identify and determine ground-breaking mechanisms, processes and tools for peer-review for all types of research results (publications, data, software),
  • b) explore, identify and classify innovative dissemination mechanisms with an outreach aim towards businesses and industry, education, and society as a whole, and
  • c) analyze a set of novel indicators that assess the impact of research results and correlate them of channels of dissemination.

To achieve these objectives, the consortium will follow a user-centered, evidence-based approach, engaging all stakeholders (researchers, publishers, funders, institutions, industry, public) in an open dialogue through a series of workshops, conferences and training, and validating all interim results via a set of seven pilots involving communities from four research disciplines: life sciences, social sciences, arts & humanities, energy.
The project will also involve surveys, interviews, case studies, workshops and focus group activities.
The final result of the project will be a set of concrete, practical, validated policy recommendations and guidelines for national and European stakeholders, including EU institutions, a valuable tool in advancing a more open and gender-sensitive science system.

University of Göttingen participates in several work packages, leading WP3:

This work package undertakes a landscape scan and assessment of the existing and evolving methods, functions and targets of traditional and non-traditional peer review. In addition, it develops guidance and tools to support the implementation and operation of open peer review in various contexts. In this sense the WP sets the scene for a range of pilots which will be conducted in the course of the project by:

  1. Desktop research and analysis of available methods and tools for selected research areas (e.g. arts and humanities, social sciences, life sciences, energy – in close collaboration with WP6) including alternative/emerging peer‐review practices. In the related deliverable the focus will be on research results such as articles, books, monographs, research data, and software.
  2. User-centered evaluation of current tools and methods.
  3. Needs and requirements for selected research areas (disciplinary, inter-disciplinary): the social sciences, life sciences, energy. This includes the analysis of the results above and verification through engagement with the target groups. The main objective of this WP is to facilitate a clear definition of the roles and processes, identify benefits and challenges as well as opportunities and to select questions that need further investigation. The main result of this work package will be an application framework/schema for open peer review. Elements of this schema will be tested, verified and adapted if needed based on the use cases and pilots that will be conducted in WP6 Use Cases & Pilot Studies.



Project board at the SUB Göttingen

SUB Göttingen departments / units involved in the project

Former project staff of the SUB Göttingen

Dr. Edit Görögh