SUB Göttingen is a refill station
Refill Deutschland is committed to refilling bottles with water at so-called refill stations with water free of charge.
This avoids plastic, protects the environment, saves money and promotes healthy and fair access to drinking drinking water for everyone.
The network of refill stations in Germany is shown on the 'Karte von morgen' which includes the SUB's Central Library and (some of its) departmental libraries. You can recognize a refill station by its sticker.
How does it work? It's very simple!
In the bathrooms of the SUB Göttingen you can fill up your drinking bottle with tap water free of charge. Tap water is an environmentally friendly alternative to bottled water. It is strictly controlled by the Ordinance on the Quality of Water Intended for Human Consumption and is subject to high quality standards. Plastic waste is also avoided, as no new plastic water bottles need to be purchased.
Reference to Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)
SDG 12.5: By 2030, significantly reduce the generation of waste through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse.
Who is behind Refill?
Refill is a network of volunteers that has been coordinated by the non-profit association a tip: tap e.V. since summer 2023. (Source)