Libraries and Data – Paradigm Shifts and Challenge, Mit W. Horstmann In BIBLIOTHEK – Forschung und Praxis 2016; 40(2): 1–5 De Gruyter. DOI:
The Tenth Anniversary of Assigning DOI Names to Scientific Data and a Five Year History of DataCite, Mit I. Sens und A. Farquhar In D-Lib Magazine January/February 2015 Volume 21, Number 1/2. DOI:
DataCite and DOI names for research data, Mit J. Neumann in Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design July 2014, ISSN: 1573-4951. DOI:
Data Citation: Principles and Practice, Mit Y. Socha, S. Callaghan, C. Borgman, P. Uhlir, and B. Carroll in Research Data management (2014), Joyce M. Ray (editor) Purdue University Press. ISBN 13: 9781557536648
Making data citable: DataCite in Opening Science - The Evolving Guide on How the Internet is Changing Research, Collaboration and Scholarly Publishing (2014) Bartling, Sönke, Friesike, Sascha (Eds.) Springer open book ISBN 978-3-319-00025-1
Data Identification and Citation — The Key to Unlocking the Promise of Data Sharing and Reuse, Mit A. Farquhar in D-Lib Magazine January/February 2014, Volume 20, Number 1/2. DOI:
DataCite and linked data in Global Interoperability and Linked Data in Libraries: Special issue Vol 4, No 1 (2013) , p 365 - 37. DOI:
A visual digital library approach for time-oriented scientific primary data, Mit J. Bernard, D. Fellner, I. Sens et al International Journal on Digital Libraries June 2010,Volume 11, Issue 2, pp 111-123. DOI:
Integration von nicht-textuellen Objekten in das GetInfo Portal der Technischen Informationsbibliothek, Mit I. Bluemel EMISA Forum 01/2011, 31:32-42
The DataCite consortium in For Attribution -- Developing Data Attribution and Citation Practices and Standards: Summary of an International Workshop The National Academies Press, p 95 - 98 ISBN-10: 0-309-26728-5 ISBN-13: 978-0-309-26728-1
Kommentar aus Bibliothekssicht, Mit I. Sens and U. Rosemann Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie ZfBB 58 (2011) 3-4, S 172 - 176
Information Supply beyond text at the German National Library of Science and Technology - Challenges and planning, Mit I. Bluemel Interlending and Document Supply, Vol 38, Issue 2 ISSN:0264-161. DOI:
Embedded infrastructure for primary data in chemistry, Mit O. Koepler, G. Fels, I. Sens et al Journal of ChemInformatics (2010), I2(Suppl 1):P. DOI:
DataCite - A global registration agency for research data Working Paper 149/2010 Rat für Sozial-und Wirtschaftsdaten (RatSWD)
Der Digital Object Identifier (DOI) und die Verwendung zum Primärdaten-Management Nestor-Handbuch: Eine kleine Enzyklopädie der digitalen Langzeitarchivierung ISBN 978-3-940317-48-3
Zitierfähige Datensätze: Primärdaten-Management durch DOI, Mit J. Klump Wissenschaftskommunikation der Zukunft in Schriften des FZ Jülich - Reihe Bibliothek, Band 18 ISBN 978-3-89336-459-6
Data publication in the Open Access initiative mit dem Projekt "Zitierfähigkeit wissenschaftlicher Primärdaten" Data Science Journal Volume 5 (2006), pp.79-83, ISSN: 1683-147. DOI:
The publication of scientific data by World Data Centers and the National Library of Science and Technology in Germany, Mit U. Schindler Data Science Journal, Volume 5 (2006), pp.205-208 ISSN: 1683-147. DOI:
Webservice infrastructure for the registration of scientific primary data mit U. Schindler und M. Diepenbroeck in Research and advanced technology for digital librarie" Springer LNCS 3652 ISBN: 3-540-28767-1
Using digital library techniques - Registration of scientific primary data in Research and advanced technology for digital libraries Springer LNCS 3232 ISBN 3-540-23013-0
Infering Metadata for a Semantic Web Peer-to-Peer Environment (pdf), Mit M. Painter in Educational Technology & Society Journal, April issue, Volume 7 Issue 2
Ontologies for eLearning mit W. Nejdl in "Handbook on Ontologies", Springer-Verlag ISBN 3-540-40834-7
Annotation for an open learning repository for computer science - case study & OLR3 editor, Mit W. Nejdl in Annotation for the Semantic Web, IOS-press ISBN 1-58603-345-X
The LOM RDF binding - principles and implementation, Mit M.Nilsson, M.Palmer Proceedings of 3rd Annual Ariadne Conference, Leuven, Belgium
The forth paradigm: Data intensive research - What the humanities can learn (and try to avoid) Keynote seminar: Research data in the humanities 14. Dezember 2015 Warschau
Data Citation and Scholarship Opening of workshop: Big and Open Data: Evolving Data Science Standards & Citation Practices 5. November 2015 New Delhi
Bibliotheken und die Digitale Transformation: Digitalisierung, Aufbau von digitalen Sammlungen und Nutzungsmöglichkeiten von Forschungsdaten DARIAH-DINI-Workshop: Digitales Arbeiten in den Geisteswissenschaften ermöglichen 28. September 2015 Göttingen
Research data in library context Keynote 10th Anniversary IGeLU Conference 2. September 2015 Budapest
A 5 year history of DataCite and the 10 year anniversary of assigning DOI names to scientific data SciDataCom 2014 4. November New Delhi
DataCite - A global approach for data sharing Open Access week 23. Oktober 2014 Tartu, Estland
Keynote ICSTI conference "New approaches for Knowledge Platforms 20. Oktober 2014 Tokyo
DataCite - Persistent links to scientific data DOI outreach meeting 5. December 2013 Beijing, China
Beyond text - New roles for libraries DOI outreach meeting 3. December 2013 Taipei, Taiwan
DataCite – global infrastructure for making data citable based on the DOI system EUDAT 2nd conference 28. October 2013 Rom
Keynote PubMan Days 2013 of the Max Planck Digital Library 24. October 2013 München
Introduction to DataCite services 4th DataCite summer meeting - Making research better 19. September 2013 Washington DC
DataCite—Making Datasets Citable 4th Wolfram data summit 6. September 2013 Washington DC
DataCite – Persistent links to scientific data 1st PRELIDA workshop 26. Juni 2013 Pisa
What is DataCite? Member's meeting of the International Doi Foundation (IDF) 12. Juni 2013 Oxford
Session-Moderator: ODIN: 'Identifiers' Connecting Researchers and Research Outputs IASSIST 2013 29. Mai 2013 Cologne
Aspects of linking: uniqueness, stability, dereferencing and resolution iBioSphere Workshop Berlin 3: Coordination and routes for cooperation 23. Mai 2013 Berlin
Neue Rollen für Bibliotheken: Das Beispiel DataCite Bibliothekstagung 25. April 2013 Wien
DataCite's response to the Knowledge Exchange report Knowledge Exchange workshop 'Making Data Count' 12. April 2013 Berlin
What is DataCite? First Plenary of the Research Data Alliance (RDA) 19. März 2013 Göteburg, Sweden
Beyond text: New roles for libraries Goportis Conference 2013 on Non-Textual Information Strategy and Innovation Beyond Text 18. März 2013 Hannover
Future of Library and Information services ICSTI Winter meeting 2013 17. März 2013 Hannover
Closing Keynote Reserach Data Symposium - Columbia University 27. Februar 2013 New York
Was ist DataCite? DataCite Workshiop - Neue Wege im Forschungsdatenmanagement 12. Dezember 2012 Köln
Keynote: Paradigm shifts in Information Access - beyond classical scholarly publication GL14 conference 29. November 2012 Rom
Roundtable on Data citation CODATA conference 30. October 2012 Taipei, Taiwan
The ODIN Project ODIN Kick-Off event 18. October 2012 Berlin
DataCite : Linking data with publications Internal Workshop at Wiley Publishing 28. September 2012 Oxford
Reserach data in libraries: The DataCite Consortium 42nd Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland (GfOe), 12. September 2012 Lüneburg
DataCite and linked data Workshop: Global Interoperability and Linked Data in Libraries 19. Juni 2012 Florenz
The Digital Object Identifier System (DOI) Metadata and Persistent Identifiers for Social and Economic Data 7. Mai 2012 Berlin
DataCite - International Consortium for Data Citation 10th International Bieleld conference 25. April 2012 Bielefeld
Scientific Data at DataCite EPIC user meeting 16. April 2012 Helsinki
DataCite Workshop "Industry and Innovation in e-Infrastructures for Horizon 2020 " 9. März 2012 Brüssel
DataCite and the CODATA Task Group on Data Citation Standards and Practise ICTSI workshop "Delivering Data in Science" 5. März 2012 Paris
DataCite revisited – Citing data in the XXIst century, at long last Academic Publishing in Europe (APE 2012) 25. Januar 2012 Berlin
Riding the Wave - Paradigm shifts in Information Access eResearch Australia conference 9. November 2011 Melbourne, Australia
The DataCite consortium Workshop „ Building a culture of research data citation” - eResearch Australia 10. November 2011 Melbourne, Australia
Persistent identifier and Catalogues- DataCite: International consortium for data citation 1st Word Data Service (WDS) conference 5. September 2011 Kyoto, Japan
The DataCite work at the German National Library of Science and Technology (TIB) DataCite summer meeting - Data and the Scholarly Record: the Changing Landscape 24. August 2011 Berkeley, USA
DataCite – enhancing referencing of datasets Developing Data Attribution and Citation Practices and Standards - An International Symposium and Workshop 22. August 2011 Berkeley, USA
Riding the wave: TIB`s strategy in the context of non-textual materials National meeting der American Chemical Society (ACS) 30. August 2011 Denver USA
DataCite - Globale Registrierungsagentur für Forschungsdaten Session: "Alleine sind wir stark, gemeinsam sind wir stärker"- Der strategische Verbund Goportis als Partner für die Wissenschaft 99. Deutscher Bibliothekartag 8. Juni 2011 Berlin
Community Trust Initiatives: DataCite 33rd annual meeting of the Society for Scholarly publishing ’It's what counts: How data transforms our world’ 3. Juni 2011 Boston, USA
How DataCite and CODATA support data citation IASSIST 2011 1. June 2011 Vancouver, Canada
Persistent identifier and Catalogues, a library's perspective European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011 8. April 2011 Wien
Libraries and data – the DataCite consortium Workshop: Persistent Identifiers for the Social Sciences 2. Februar 2011 Bonn
DataCite - Improving Access to Research data From the Perspective of Libraries Academic Publishing in Europe (APE 2011) 11. Januar 2011. Berlin