Zeki Mustafa Doğan
+49 551 39-24924 (Tel.) dogan@sub.uni-goettingen.de ent@sub.uni-goettingen.deDepartment/Unit
- Digitale Bibliothek
- Software- und Service-Entwicklung Parent Group: Digitale Bibliothek
Projects at SUB Göttingen
Project Lead
- Ahiqar
- Ahiqar II
- CRC 1633
- CoPI
- DigiZeitschriften II
- Digital Arthuriana
- Edition of the Ugaritic Poetic Text Corpus
- EuropeanaConnect - Europeana4D
- FOR 2064 STRATA Hylem Database
- Four Watches linked
- Göttingen Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Lower Saxony - Digital Library
- Heyne Digital
- IMProving ACcess to Text
- Mass Digitization Mathematics
- NAWG Digital: Carl Friedrich Gauß Correspondence
- NAWG Digital: Letter Portal Leibniz
- NAWG Germania Sacra
- OCR-D Coordination Project
- OLA-HD Service – A Generic Service for Long-Term Archiving of Historical Prints
- OLA-HD – An OCR-D Long-Term Archive for Historical Prints
- OPERANDI – OCR-D Performance Optimisation and Integration
- Physical Geography Sensor Network Ebergötzen
- RTG 2455
- Superstar Incentives
- Teaching and Learning Quality Management Guide
- The reception of Goethe's work 'Zur Farbenlehre' in Berlin 1810-1832
- iBeetle-Base
- Centre of Competence for the Licensing of Electronic Resources
- FID FINNUG - Specialised Information Service for Finno-Ugric / Uralic Languages, Literatures and Cultures
- FID GEO - Specialised Information Services for Geosciences
- Mathematics Information Service
- Scholary Journals and Newspapers in the Age of Enlightenment
- zvdd - Technische Erweiterung