Participants in this sustainability project were the Sustainability Working Group and the House Logistics of the SUB Göttingen, the Green Office of the University of Göttingen, Jasper Rasokat (Ideas Competition for Students), Michael Schwerdtfeger from the Old Botanical Garden as well as the Building Management of the University, the Alumni e. V. and some spontaneous helpers.
The project was financed by the City of Göttingen and the University Association. The Old Botanical Garden provided the plants.
For the bed, the area was excavated to a depth of 30 cm and filled with a perennial substrate. This ensures optimal conditions for the plants and minimizes the spontaneous appearance of weeds. Initially, the AG Nachhaltigkeit will water the plants daily until they have taken root, after which watering will no longer be necessary. A board with further information on the project and on animal and plant species will be set up near the bed for anyone interested.
The Green Office and Facility Management of the University of Göttingen, Michael Schwerdtfeger from the Old Botanical Garden, the Alumni Göttingen e. V. and the the SUB Göttingen Hausdienste und Logistik worked closely together to ensure the successful implementation. Jasper Rasokat's concept of the Ideas Competition for Students was taken up for this. Some spontaneous helpers actively supported the planting.
The project was sponsored by the City of Göttingen and the University Association. The Old Botanical Garden provided the self-grown perennials free of charge.
Feel free to visit and observe the plants and their soon-to-arrive winged pollinators. We would ask you not to enter the bed for this purpose. Enjoy!