News by topic

StellenanzeigeAs one of the largest academic libraries in Germany, we offer a wide range of activities in various areas. We look forward to receiving your application for our current vacancies.

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For access to university resources outside the campus network, VPN (Virtual Private Network) offers several advantages over using the HAN server. You can access licensed media and network drives as securely and conveniently as from the campus. You do not need 'HAN links' from the catalogs, but can use a resource directly from the provider. If you do need to use a HAN link, no further login is necessary.

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Staudenbeet vor der Zentralbibliothek der SUBA small bee paradise is being created on the lawn in front of the SUB Göttingen Central Library: in the newly created perennial bed there are over 400 drought-tolerant perennials on 50 square meters. The perennial plants, which will soon be in bloom, will serve as an additional source of food for wild bees and numerous other insect species. The SUB's sustainability working group initiated and coordinated the project.

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Citavi webCitavi Web is now also available to members of the University of Göttingen as part of the re-licensing program. This means that the reference management program can be used independently of the operating system and is therefore also of interest to anyone working with Mac OS or Linux. All you need to work with Citavi Web is an Internet connection and an up-to-date browser.

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Wolfram HorstmannThe long-time director of the SUB Göttingen, Prof. Dr. Wolfram Horstmann, will take over as director of the Leibniz Institute for Information Infrastructure in Karlsruhe (FIZ) in January 2024. The institute is a member of the Leibniz Association and one of the major infrastructure institutions in Germany.

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Weiter Wissen KampagneAcademic libraries, including the SUB Göttingen, are launching the major campaign "WEITER WISSEN. Mit uns." to make their unique work for science and society more visible. Academic and research libraries have a shared responsibility to actively shape, promote and drive forward reliable information infrastructures. Open access, research data management, cultural heritage, digital long-term preservation as well as research and development are the central tasks of academic and research libraries.

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Robert Oppenheimer in seiner Göttinger ZeitDer Physiker und „Vater der Atombombe“ Julius Robert Oppenheimer (1904–1967), dessen Geschichte gerade in den Kinos läuft, wurde 1927 an der Universität Göttingen in nur sechs Monaten zum Doktor promoviert. Seine Promotionsakte ist erhalten und gehört als eine von über 9.500 solcher Akten allein aus Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften zu den Beständen des an der SUB angesiedelten Universitätsarchivs Göttingen.

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Group picture German Nomination Committee for UNESCO Memory of the WorldThis week, the German Nominating Committee for the UNESCO Memory of the World Program met in the Historical Building of the Göttingen State and University Library. The committee's task is to review, evaluate and select German proposals for inclusion in the World Documentary Heritage.

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New American Science JournalAt the end of April, the New American Studies Journal: A Forum (NASJ) launched its first thematic issue "American Crises" with a new design and a new editorial board. The NASJ is also hosted by a new journal platform provided by Göttingen University Press.

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Grass im OberharzIn ihrem Beitrag zu unserem Sammlungsblog beschäftigt sich Sarah Vincent mit dem Text-Bild-Band „Totes Holz“, in dem Günter Grass bereits 1990 auf das Waldsterben und den Klimawandel aufmerksam machte.

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