German Research Foundation (DFG)
(Art and Architecture in German Travel Accounts to Paris and Versailles in the Baroque Era)
Art and Architecture in German Travel Accounts to Paris and Versailles in the Baroque Era - AstroCat I
(ASTROnomical CATalog)
Development and implementation of a web-based knowledge-management solution for astronomical research, in conjunction with parties outside of Germany - AstroCat II
(ASTROnomical CATalog)
- Base4NFDI
(Community for Academic Reviewing, Publishing and Editorial Technology)
Development of an Information Platform for Electronic Publishing based on Generic Publishing Tools - CARPET II
(Community for Academic Reviewing, Publishing and Editorial Technology)
Technical development of the CARPET information platform and improvement in generating a community - Cataloguing of the occidental medieval manuscripts of the Göttingen State and University Library
- Clio-online
Development of a central Internet portal for history and historiography - CORC
(Cooperative Online Resource Catalog)
Cooperative Online Resource Catalog: Cooperation between the Goettingen State and University Library and OCLC as part of the CORC Project - dbClear
(Datenbankbasierte Clearinghouses)
(Deutscher Bibliothekenverbund - Open Systems Interconnection)
Deutscher Bibliothekenverbund - Open Systems Interconnection - DFG-VRE
Metrics of Success for the Planning and Sustainable Operation of Virtual Research Environments - Diensteportal Digitalisierung
- Digitale Karten in Bibliotheken
- Digitalisierung der Kopialbücher der Universität Göttingen
(Kopialbücher digital)
Full-text capture of already digitized mathematical monographs and multi-volume works - DigiZeitschriften
(Digitalisierte Zeitschriften)
Extension of a set of retrospective digitized journal material with a national collection emphasis - DINI
(Deutsche Initiative für NetzwerkInformation e. V.)
- Doerne Papers
Cataloging of the scholarly papers and correspondence of the theologian Martin Doerne (1900-1970) - DP4lib
(Digital Preservation for Libraries)
- e-Humanities
Development of a concept for an e-Humanities Infrastructure in Germany - Einrichtung von Service- und Kompetenzzentren fuer die Digitalisierung von Bibliotheksbestaenden in Deutschland (Establishment of centers for service and competence for the digitization of library holdings in Germany)
- Electronic Research Archive for Mathematics / Jahrbuch Database
(Electronic Mathematical Archiving Network Initiative)
Early Zoological Literature Online - EZOOLO 2
Early Zoological Literature Online - FID Anglo-American Culture
Specialised Information Service Anglo-American Culture - Frankfurt Group
Consensus Forum for Academic and Research Information - Gemeinsamer geschichtswissenschaftlicher Fachinformationsdienst der SSG-Bibliotheken BSB Muenchen und SUB Goettingen (Historians' Information Service of the Special-Subject Collections Libraries BSB in Munich and Goettingen SUB)
- GFBio II
(German Federation for Biological Data II)
- Gö*/KolaWiss
(Internetplattform Open Access)
Kooperativer Aufbau und Betrieb einer Informationsplattform zu Open Access in Deutschland - IP-OA II
(Internetplattform Open Access)
Kompetenzzentrum Interoperable Metadaten als DCMI-Affiliate im deutschsprachigen Raum - KIM II
Expansion of the Competence Center for Interoperable Metadata and extension of the national and international cooperation with standardization organisations - Math-Bib-Net
Corporate Information Services of Libraries and Mathematical Departments - MathArc
Ensuring Access To Mathematics Over Time (EATMOT): Cooperative Management of Distributed Digital Archives - MathDiss International
- Meeting of Frontiers
Digitizing of the rare books, maps, and manuscripts of the Asch Collection, a collection materials dealing with the exploration and investigations of Siberia and the Polar regions. - Meta-Lib
Metadata Initiative of German Libraries: SUB Teilprojekt - NSF/DFG Cornell-Michigan
The Development of a Distributed Library of Mathematical Monographs - OA-Network
- OA-Netzwerk II
Weiterentwicklung und Betrieb des Netzwerks zertifizierter Open Access-Repositorien für Deutschland - OAD
(Open Archives Distributed)
Open Archives: Distributed services for physicists and graduate students - Open-Access-Statistics 2
(OA-Statistik 2)
- Open-Access-Statistik
- Portal Rezensionszeitschriften
- Project Isaac
- Radieschen
(Rise of Modern Constitutionalism)
RMC - The Rise of Modern Constitutionalism, 1776 - 1849 - RusDML
(Russian Digital Mathematics Library)
Cooperative development of an archive of digitized Russian mathematical literature - SSG-CC
(Sondersammelgebiete Current-Contents)
Special Subject Guides / SSG-Fachinformation - TeXDocC I
(TeX-DOCument Center)
Development and Establishment of a Competence Center for TeX Documents at the Göttingen State and University Library (SUB Göttingen) as Part of Its Pure-Mathemantics Special-Subject Collection. - TeXDocC II
(TeX-Document Center)
Archivierung und MathML-Konvertierung von TeX- und LaTeX-Dokumenten - ein Entwicklungsprojekt - vascoda I
- vascoda II
- VD17 I
- VD17 II
- VD18 Hauptphase - 4. Abschnitt
(VD18 Hauptphase IV)
Digitalisierung und Erschließung der im deutschen Sprachraum erschienenen Drucke des 18. Jahrhunderts - ViFa b2i
(Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Bibliotheks-, Buch- und Informationswissenschaften)
- vifanord Virtual Library of Northern European Studies
- ViFaOst Virtual Library Eastern Europe
- VLib-AAC
(Virtual Library of Anglo-American Culture)
- vlibmath - Virtual Library of Mathematics
- Wissenschaftsgeschichte des 18./19. Jahrhunderts [history of humanities and science in the 18th and 19th centuries]
Digitizing of the literature in the humanities and sciences of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries held at the Göttingen State and University Library and the presentation of these digitized works as electronic media - ZDB-AG
- zvdd
(Zentrales Verzeichnis Digitalisierter Drucke)