NAWG Digital: Letter Portal Leibniz - Project details

In the “Leibniz Letter Edition” project of the Lower Saxony Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Göttingen (NAWG), 200,000 letters were collected and published as a print edition. This print version is being converted into a digital edition by the SUB Göttingen. A core functionality of this digital letter edition is the presentation of variants, which are available in the print version as footnotes or lemmata. The variants can be shown and hidden directly in the text. Currently, 150 letters from the Leibniz-Bernoulli correspondence are online and will be expanded in further funding phases.

Project board at the SUB Göttingen

Project staff at the SUB Göttingen

SUB Göttingen departments / units involved in the project

Former project staff of the SUB Göttingen

Dr. Mareen Geestmann, Sibylle Nägle, Rafael Maria Raschkowski, Tobias Schäfer, Dr. Maike Tech