OLA-HD Service – A Generic Service for Long-Term Archiving of Historical Prints - Project details (OLA-HD Service)
OLA-HD Service is one of the module projects funded within the DFG initiative OCR-D. The main goal of OCR-D is the conceptual and technical preparation of the full text transformation of the 16th to 18th century prints published in the German language area. The task of automatic full-text recognition will be broken down into its individual process steps, which can be reproduced in the open source OCR-D software. This makes it possible to create optimal workflows for the prints to be processed and thus generate scientifically usable full texts.
The goal of OLA-HD Service is to develop a productive service for long-term archiving of historical prints in the context of OCR-D. This OLA-HD service builds on the corresponding prototype from OCR-D Phase II, extends it according to the requirements of the implementation projects, is integrated into the OCR-D framework, and is generically designed and implemented according to the tender requirements.
- Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung mbH Göttingen
- Göttingen State and University Library
Project board at the SUB Göttingen
Project staff at the SUB Göttingen
- Lilja Mareike Sautter
- Jörg-Holger Panzer
- Kay Liewald
- Kristine Schima-Voigt
- Abdallah Mohamed Abdallah Abdelnaby
- Jonas Schrewe
SUB Göttingen departments / units involved in the project
Former project staff of the SUB Göttingen
Manikanth Dindigala, Claudia Malzer, Adnan Siddique, Yasin Onur Yücel