RTG 2455 - Project details (QMBENCH)
Benchmark Experiments for Numerical Quantum Chemistry
The research training group 2455 (RTG) pursues an ambitious research program aimed at developing key experiments to evaluate quantum mechanical methods. The doctoral researchers benefit from a wide range of experimental and theoretical skills, enabling them to design and conduct challenging experiments at the limits of measurement accuracy and to generate critical reference data for various chemical systems and phenomena. The research topics span a broad spectrum, ranging from gas-phase spectroscopy and spectrometry to molecular beam techniques and X-ray diffraction.
The team at SUB Göttingen is designing an intuitive and user-friendly solution tailored to the needs of the RTG, enabling the effective visualization of the collected research data. This solution aims to transform complex findings into clear, accessible representations that support accurate scientific interpretation and foster deeper insights. By leveraging advanced visualization techniques, the platform will enhance the usability and clarity of the data for researchers. The finalized results are publicly available on the qmbench web portal, providing a valuable resource for the broader scientific community.