ZDB-AG - Project details (Zeitschriftendatenbank-AG)

The DFG-sponsored project „Eingabe der Zeitschriften der SUB Goettingen in die Zeitschriftendatenbank (ZDB-alt)“ (entering the Göttingen SUB's journals into the journal database) was affiliated with the Integrated Journal Processing Section (GOEZN). The project continued the „RK-Konvertierung Zeitschriften“ (retroactive conversion of journals).
The project's goal was to make and deposit into the journal database („Zeitschriftendatenbank“: ZDB) machine-readable copies of all journals in the bound classified catalogue, covering the accession dates before 1945. The data can be accessed via OPAC.



SUB Göttingen departments / units involved in the project

Former project staff of the SUB Göttingen

Ursula Stolarski