General view of projects

  1. *
  2. A
  3. B
  4. C
  5. D
  6. E
  7. F
  8. G
  9. H
  10. I
  11. J
  12. K
  13. L
  14. M
  15. N
  16. O
  17. P
  18. R
  19. S
  20. T
  21. V
  22. W
  23. Z
  1. *

    1. *metrics
  2. A

    1. Ahiqar
    2. Ahiqar II
    3. ALMASI
    5. ASCH
    6. AstroCat I
    7. AstroCat II
  3. B

    1. Base4NFDI
    2. BTD I
    3. BTD II
  4. C

    1. CACAO
    2. CARMEN AP 2/5
    3. CARMEN AP 4
    4. CARPET
    5. CARPET II
    6. CASHMERE-int
    7. Cataloging of mathematical papers and correspondence
    8. Cataloguing of the occidental medieval manuscripts of the Göttingen State and University Library
    9. Cataloguing of the occidental medieval manuscripts of the Göttingen State and University Library - Part 2
    10. CENDARI
    11. Centre of Competence for the Licensing of Electronic Resources
    12. CLARIAH-DE
    13. Clio-online
    14. CoPI
    15. CORC
    16. CRAFT-OA
    17. CRC 1633
    18. Cultural Heritage Lower Saxony
  5. D

    1. DARIAH
    2. DARIAH-DE
    5. DASISH
    6. dbClear
    7. DBV-OSI
    8. DESIR
    9. DFG-VRE
    10. DGI-2
    11. DIAMAS
    12. Diensteportal Digitalisierung
    13. DIEPER
    14. DigCurV
    15. DIGIS
    16. Digital Arthuriana
    17. Digitale Karten in Bibliotheken
    18. Digitalisierung der Kopialbücher der Universität Göttingen
    19. Digitalisierung der mittelalterlichen volkssprachlichen Handschriften
    21. DigiZeitschriften
    22. DigiZeitschriften II
    23. DINI
    24. Discuss Data
    25. Doerne Papers
    26. DP4lib
    27. DRIVER I
    28. DRIVER II
  6. E

    1. e-Humanities
    2. Edition of the Ugaritic Poetic Text Corpus
    3. EHRI
    4. Einrichtung von Service- und Kompetenzzentren fuer die Digitalisierung von Bibliotheksbestaenden in Deutschland (Establishment of centers for service and competence for the digitization of library holdings in Germany)
    5. eLabour
    6. eLabour II
    7. ELAN I
    8. ELAN II
    9. Electronic Research Archive for Mathematics / Jahrbuch Database
    10. Elektronische Bibliothek Psychologie (electronic library in psychology)
    11. EMANI
    12. EOSC Future
    13. EOSCpilot
    14. Erschließung der Akten der Forstlichen Fakultät und Forsthochschule Hann. Münden
    15. Erschließung des Archivs der SUB Göttingen, 1813–1918
    16. EULER
    18. Europeana Archaeology
    19. EuropeanaConnect - Europeana4D
    20. EuropeanaTravel
    21. eVerlage
    22. EZOOLO 1
    23. EZOOLO 2
  7. F

    1. FAIRsFAIR
    2. FID Anglo-American Culture
    3. FID Central Asia - Autochthonous Cultures and Languages
    4. FID FINNUG - Specialised Information Service for Finno-Ugric / Uralic Languages, Literatures and Cultures
    5. FID GEO - Specialised Information Services for Geosciences
    6. FIT4RRI
    7. FOR 2064 STRATA Hylem Database
    8. FOSTER
    9. FOSTER Plus
    10. Four Watches linked
    11. Frankfurt Group
  8. G

    1. Gemeinsamer geschichtswissenschaftlicher Fachinformationsdienst der SSG-Bibliotheken BSB Muenchen und SUB Goettingen (Historians' Information Service of the Special-Subject Collections Libraries BSB in Munich and Goettingen SUB)
    2. GEZ-N
    3. GFBio
    4. GFBio II
    5. GFBio III
    6. Gö*/KolaWiss
    7. Göttingen Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Lower Saxony - Digital Library
    8. Göttingen eResearch Alliance
    9. GRAcE
  9. H

    1. Hannah Arendt – Complete Works. Critical Edition
    2. Hannah Arendt: Complete Works (previous project)
    3. HaS
    4. HDC
    5. Heyne Digital
    6. HIRMEOS
    7. Historical Analysis of Audience Reception
    8. Hosting of National Licences
    9. Hybrid OA Dashboards
  10. I

    1. iBeetle-Base
    2. Identification and restitution of Nazi loot at Göttingen State and University Library
    3. IMProving ACcess to Text
    4. indi:oa
    5. Interedition
    6. IP-OA
    7. IP-OA II
    8. IP-OA III
  11. J

    1. Johann Friedrich Blumenbach – online
  12. K

    1. Key Components of Information and Media Literacy
    2. Key Components of Information and Media Literacy PLUS
    3. KIM I
    4. KIM II
    5. Klaus Mollenhauer Gesamtausgabe
    6. KONDA
    7. kopal
    8. Korean Literature: Past, Present and Beyond
  13. L

    1. Library of Neology
  14. M

    1. Maps of God
    2. Mass Digitization Mathematics
    3. Math-Bib-Net
    4. MathArc
    5. MathDiss International
    6. Mathematics Information Service
    7. Mediaconomy
    8. Meeting of Frontiers
    9. Melchior Hoffman: The Writings. Critical Edition
    10. Meta-Lib
  15. N

    1. NAWG Digital: Carl Friedrich Gauß Correspondence
    2. NAWG Digital: Letter Portal Leibniz
    3. NAWG Germania Sacra
    4. NAWG-Digital: Edfu
    5. NBU
    6. nestor I
    7. nestor II
    8. NFDI4Biodiversity
    9. NFDI4Culture
    10. NSF/DFG Cornell-Michigan
  16. O

    1. OA-FWM
    2. OA-Network
    3. OA-Netzwerk II
    4. OAD
    5. OAPEN
    6. OAUNI
    7. OCR-D Coordination Project
    8. OLA-HD Service – A Generic Service for Long-Term Archiving of Historical Prints
    9. OLA-HD – An OCR-D Long-Term Archive for Historical Prints
    10. ON-MERRIT
    11. OPAL
    12. Open-Access-Statistics 2
    13. Open-Access-Statistik
    15. II
    16. Open4DE
    17. OpenAIRE
    18. OpenAIRE Advance
    19. OpenAIRE Nexus
    20. OpenAIRE2020
    21. OpenAIREplus
    22. OpenUP
    23. OPERANDI – OCR-D Performance Optimisation and Integration
    24. OPERAS-P
  17. P

    2. PARSE.Insight
    3. PEER
    5. Physical Geography Sensor Network Ebergötzen
    6. Portal Rezensionszeitschriften
    7. Project Isaac
    8. ProPrint
  18. R

    1. Radieschen
    2. RDA Europe 4.0
    3. Renardus
    4. REUSE
    5. RMC
    6. RTG 2455
    7. RusDML
  19. S

    1. Scanroboter
    2. Scholary Journals and Newspapers in the Age of Enlightenment
    3. SFB 990
    4. SHAMAN
    5. Social Sciences & Humanities Open Cloud
    6. SSG-CC
    7. SSG-FI
    8. Student Digital Competencies
    9. Superstar Incentives
  20. T

    1. Teaching and Learning Quality Management Guide
    2. TECUP
    3. TeXDocC I
    4. TeXDocC II
    5. Text Database and Dictionary of Classic Mayan
    6. Text+
    7. TextGrid
    8. TextGrid - Vernetzte Forschungsumgebung in den eHumanities
    9. TextGrid III – Virtual Research Environment for the Humanities
    10. The Property of the von Schlözer Family – Indexing and Digitisation
    11. The reception of Goethe's work 'Zur Farbenlehre' in Berlin 1810-1832
    12. Theodor Fontane Notizbücher
  21. V

    1. vascoda I
    2. vascoda II
    3. VD17 I
    4. VD17 II
    5. VD18 Hauptphase - 4. Abschnitt
    6. VFU Soeb3
    7. ViFa b2i
    8. vifanord Virtual Library of Northern European Studies
    9. ViFaOst Virtual Library Eastern Europe
    10. VIP-OA
    11. VLib-AAC
    12. vlibmath - Virtual Library of Mathematics
  22. W

    1. WisNetGrid
    2. Wissenschaftsgeschichte des 18./19. Jahrhunderts [history of humanities and science in the 18th and 19th centuries]
    3. WissGrid
  23. Z

    1. ZDB-AG
    2. zvdd