Current projectsWe offer you an overview of current projects at Göttingen State and University Library.
Current projects A - Z B C D E F J M N O P S T B Base4NFDI C Centre of Competence for the Licensing of Electronic Resources CRAFT-OA D DIAMAS DIGIS Digital Arthuriana E Edition of the Ugaritic Poetic Text Corpus Erschließung des Archivs der SUB Göttingen, 1813–1918 F FID Anglo-American Culture FID GEO - Specialised Information Services for Geosciences FOR 2064 STRATA Hylem Database Four Watches linked J Johann Friedrich Blumenbach – online M Melchior Hoffman: The Writings. Critical Edition N NFDI4Biodiversity O OLA-HD Service – A Generic Service for Long-Term Archiving of Historical Prints II OPERANDI – OCR-D Performance Optimisation and Integration P PALOMERA S Scholary Journals and Newspapers in the Age of Enlightenment T Text Database and Dictionary of Classic Mayan Text+