Projects on ... Open Access
(Community for Academic Reviewing, Publishing and Editorial Technology)
Development of an Information Platform for Electronic Publishing based on Generic Publishing Tools - CARPET II
(Community for Academic Reviewing, Publishing and Editorial Technology)
Technical development of the CARPET information platform and improvement in generating a community - DigiZeitschriften
(Digitalisierte Zeitschriften)
Extension of a set of retrospective digitized journal material with a national collection emphasis - DINI
(Deutsche Initiative für NetzwerkInformation e. V.)
(Digital Repository Infrastructure Vision of European Research)
Vernetzung europäischer Repositorien - DRIVER II
(Digital Repository Infrastructure Vision for European Research)
Facilitate Open Science Training For European Research - Göttingen eResearch Alliance
High Integration of Research Monographs in the European Open Science infrastructure - IP-OA
(Internetplattform Open Access)
Kooperativer Aufbau und Betrieb einer Informationsplattform zu Open Access in Deutschland - IP-OA II
(Internetplattform Open Access)
(Open Access Publishing in European Networks)
Open Access publication costs 2022-2024 - OAPK II
Open Access publication costs 2025-2027 - Open-Access-Statistics 2
(OA-Statistik 2)
- Open-Access-Statistik
- OpenAIRE
(Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe)
- OpenAIREplus
(Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe plus)
Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe - PEER
(Publishing and the Ecology of European Research)
- Wissenschaftsgeschichte des 18./19. Jahrhunderts [history of humanities and science in the 18th and 19th centuries]
Digitizing of the literature in the humanities and sciences of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries held at the Göttingen State and University Library and the presentation of these digitized works as electronic media