De Gruyter

Members of the University of Göttingen and the University Medical Center Göttingen receive the following support from de Gruyter: Within the framework of a consortium agreement for the subjects of humanities and social sciences as well as economics, the negotiating University Library of Göttingen has concluded a transformation agreement according to the 'Read and Publish' model (including a 'Subscribe-to-Open' component) and for OA publishing in genuine Gold OA journals.

Time period: 2023 – 2025

Diamond Open Access

For publishing in the following journals of the publisher: ‘Corresponding authors’ have the possibility to publish their articles Open Access without additional costs via the ‘Subscribe to Open Agreement’.

  • ABI Technik
  • Arbeit
  • Bibliotheksdienst
  • Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis
  • Cognitive Linguistics
  • Frühmittelalterliche Studien
  • Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte / Economic History Yearbook
  • Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik
  • Journal of Literary Theory
  • Libri
  • Linguistics
  • Linguistic Typology
  • Nietzsche-Studien
  • Preservation, Digital Technology & Culture (PDT&C)
  • Quellen und Forschungen aus italienischen Archiven und Bibliotheken
  • Semiotica
  • Soziologische Revue
  • Zeitschrift für Tourismuswissenschaft
  • ZFW - Advances in Economic Geography

Hybrid Open Access

Publishing in hybrid journals: 'Corresponding authors' are given the opportunity to publish their articles in subscription-based journals free of charge Open Access for authorized article types via the so-called 'read-and-publish license'. The journals can be found in the journal lists for humanities and social sciences and economics.

Eligible article types for this are: Research articles and other article types such as book reviews, editorials.

Gold Open Access

Publishing in all genuine de Gruyter open access journals: A discount of 20% on the publication costs is granted.

The publication costs for 'corresponding authors' of the University of Göttingen (including the University Medical Center Göttingen) can, if necessary, be fully or proportionally financed by the publication fund for journal articles of the University of Göttingen. University funds are used for this purpose. The funding requirements with funding reference are mentioned under 'Financial support by university funding'.

The publication process for authors

  • You are a 'corresponding author' and submit your article directly to the journal. The assignment of eligible publications as well as identification and information of eligible authors is done by the publisher.
  • The SUB Open Access team will then be informed about your article and asked for confirmation.
  • When publishing Open Access in subscription journals (hybrid open access), there are no costs for you, as long as the article type is eligible.
  • The article usually receives the Creative Commons license CC BY 4.0 as a publication license.

In addition to being published by the publisher, the article will be made available and archived via GRO.publications, the publication management system of the University of Göttingen.

Secondary publication rights (green path)

In addition to the above agreements, authors can use their secondary publication right for articles in older volumes. The publisher allows the provision of the publisher's PDF of articles appearing in subscription journals to be made available Open Access in an institutional repository after an embargo of 12 months.
Moreover, the option of secondary publication was made possible for older volumes in previous contracts to the scientists of the University of Göttingen through the alliance participation via the SUB Göttingen. It was negotiated as part of the open access rights in alliance licenses for e-journal packages.

The following applies to the HSS B and Economy volumes: Authors from authorized institutions are entitled to deposit their articles published in the licensed journals in the form published by the publisher immediately after publication and without embargo in an (institutional, discipline-specific, non-commercial) repository of their choice and thus make them accessible in OA. For journals in the HSS A collection, the green OA component is only granted if an author declines publication of the article under the Read & Publishing agreement.

Updated: December 2024