Romance Studies at the Göttingen State and University Library

The subject page Romance Studies at the Göttingen State and University Library comprises all Romance languages and literatures. These are specifically the regions of origin of the Romance cultures (from west to east):

  • Portuguese language and literature,
  • Galician language and literature,
  • Spanish language and literature,
  • Catalan language and literature,
  • French language and literature,
  • Occitan language and literature (including Provençal),
  • Rhaeto-Romanic languages and literature,
  • Italian language and literature,
  • and Romanian language and literature.

Also included are the Spanish and Portuguese languages and literature of Central and South America, and the so-called Francophony.


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Göttingen holdings

Literature at the Göttingen State and University Library and in the libraries of the Romance Studies Seminar are all listed in the Göttingen University Catalogue (GUK).