
Die Recherche der von der SUB Göttingen lizenzierten E-Journals erfolgt zum Beispiel direkt über GöDiscovery oder den Göttinger Universitätskatalog (GUK). Bitte folgen Sie dem bei dem Zeitschriftentitel angegebenen Link „EZB“, um in der Elektronischen Zeitschriftenbibliothek Zugriff auf die Volltexte zu erhalten. Gegebenenfalls werden Ihnen verschiedene Lizenzen mit unterschiedlich lizenzierten Jahrgängen angezeigt. In der Regel ist ein externer Zugriff möglich, der dann eine Authentifizierung über Ihr Bibliothekskonto der SUB Göttingen erfordert.

Dieses Video erklärt Ihnen, wie Sie auf die Online-Version einer Zeitschrift im Göttinger Universitätskatalog zugreifen können:

Video-Tutorial: E-Journals im Göttinger Universitätskatalog finden

DEAL contracts: Access to E-Journals from Elsevier, SpringerNature and Wiley

The University of Göttingen has declared its accession to the new DEAL contracts with SpringerNature and Wiley. The previous conditions will be continued for the new contract period 2024-2028:

  • Permanent access to entire title portfolio (subscription journals)
  • Open Access publication opportunities for authors of the University of Göttingen, incl. University Medical Center Göttingen (hybrid publications)
  • 20% discount on publication fees in Gold OA journals (Gold publications)

In addition, the DEAL contract with Elsevier has been signed. This is the first contract period from 2024 to 2028 with the following conditions:

  • Permanent access to approx. 1,800 core hybrid journals and approx. 50 titles Cell Press and The Lancet (subscription journals)
  • Open Access publication opportunities for authors of the University of Göttingen, incl. University Medical Center Göttingen (hybrid publications) from 01.01.2024
  • 15% - 20% discount on publication fees in approx. 660 Gold OA journals (Gold publications)

Further comprehensive information on all DEAL contracts can be found on the website of the DEAL consortium:

Please note that there are titles that are not covered by the agreements. These can be found in the title lists in the 'excluded' worksheet.

Publishing at Elsevier, SpringerNature and Wiley

At all three publishers, authors can publish in hybrid journals without additional fees - the costs are invoiced centrally as part of the transformation contracts. In Gold OA journals, publishing is  discounted; the remaining costs for corresponding authors of the University of Göttingen (including the University Medical Center Göttingen) can be financed in full or in part via the publication fund for journal articles of the University of Göttingen.

Information on the DEAL conditions can be found in the monthly training course 'Open Access Publishing at the University of Göttingen' and on the SUB Göttingen website. You are also welcome to contact us at oa@sub.uni-goettingen.de.

Further information: